Review on free vs paid

Review on free vs paid

Hubspot is a platform that provides vital tools for managing social media account, tracking leads success and web analytics, search engine optimization as well as inbound management of sales and marketing services.Its main target is small – medium businesses; which include those in: accounting, real estate, sales, marketing as well as retail.Some of the well…

ERP modules

A Review on ERP’s

Understanding ERP: A Key to Streamlined Business Management ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a comprehensive business process management software that helps businesses stay organized and efficient. As a General Manager or business leader, you’re responsible for understanding the core aspects of your business, including inventory levels, costs, pricing, and product lifecycle. Managing these critical areas…



With LibreOffice everyone has access to a free office suite with an easy plus comprehensive functionality that meets their daily business needs. It also features PDF export to create documents that are readable on every platform; as well as an adequate export to the Microsoft Office format.LibreOffice offers a couple of service tools like: word…