How to Fix Screen Tearing on 144Hz Compatible Monitor

Screen tearing is undoubtedly the most annoying thing that can happen during the game. Suddenly, the screen shows more frames than expected and starts juggling with them, ruining the whole gaming vibe. All the gamers out there can feel the struggle while playing fast-action games.

Fortunately, the modern and best gaming monitors are integrating features to fight or reduce this problem, but many players are silently going through this. However, screen tear shouldn’t be a problem to discuss in this advanced era, let alone 144Hz screen tearing.

Still, we can help you fix the 144Hz screen tearing, but first, clear your mind about screen tearing and why it is a noticeable issue?

How to Fix Screen Tearing on 144Hz Compatible Monitor?

What is Screen Tearing?

Screen tearing is a visual artifact usually happens when the monitor’s GPU frame rate and refresh rate are not synchronized. We call screen tearing when the multiple frames are displayed simultaneously, causing lots of confusion while playing video games, even making you lose the intense battles.

Even though this visual artifact happens for a second that sometimes you won’t even notice, the continuous occurrence can be annoying and distracting for many.

How to Fix Screen Tearing?

Surprisingly, fixing the screen tearing is not rocket science. You only need to learn some technicalities and play with the features to eliminate this issue. We will briefly discuss some common ways to reduce screen tearing, and if you are lucky, it will eliminate from the monitor for good.

Enabling VSync

VSync or Vertical Synchronization can be your rescue and help you eliminate screen tearing for a smooth gaming experience. The technology is designed to synchronize the monitors’ GPU and display frame rate, so the best compatibility results in less distraction and almost no tearing on the screen. However, you may have to experience increased input lag.

If I put the functionality in words, it will work like having a 144Hz screen and enabling VSync on your gaming monitor; it will force GPU to get compatible with it regardless of the FPS. It can provide a knock-off gaming effect, but the huge input lag can put you in trouble too. So, you must think wisely.

Adaptive Sync Technology

Another reason for annoying screen tearing in 144 Hz monitors is when FPS drops drastically below the maximum refresh rate. Since the technology works in mysterious ways, when your 144 Hz monitor’s in-frame rate drops, the VSync falls to half of it. It may reduce the screen tearing to the extent but creates stuttering worse than the occasional screen tearing.

G-Sync/Adaptive Sync Technologies

Since the technology is advancing, professionals are continuously finding ways to reduce or eliminate screen tearing to provide an immersive gaming experience. G-Sync or Adaptive Sync is another interesting technology that allows your monitor to adjust the refresh rate and match the GPU frame rate, causing fewer visual artifacts.

So, if you are receiving 100 frames per second while playing any fast-action game on your 144 Hz monitor, the VRR will automatically detect the need and send a message to the refresh rate to reduce it to 100. Besides, when VRR is an action, there will be no noticeable effect on input lag, providing a smooth and lag-free gaming experience.


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