If you are in a place where there is no power grid and you still do not want to give up electric light or to charge a smartphone, so-called solar generators are a good solution.
Solar generators are a complete solution of charge controller, battery and inverter. Add a suitable solar cell, and you have a small solar system that provides the most necessary power. Thanks to today’s LED technology, you can generate light for quite a while.
Only for cooking with electricity such commercial solar generators are not enough. As you would need larger and thus heavier models with more output and more battery capacity. If you want this, you should consider the purchase of a traditional photo-voltaic system.
I personally purchased a Sunbird Solarpod 240 with a foldable Sunbird solar cell for a friend in Africa. This is enough, especially in such latitudes, to have enough light to read or work every day. (see photos)

Thanks to the LiPo technology, which gives the solar generator a relatively low weight (compared to lead batteries), this system could also be transported by normal aircraft.

Important to note: Solar generators are available with different output voltages and sockets. Usually 230 or 110 volts and with country-specific connections. Therefore, first clarify what is needed effectively.

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