Table of Contents
When one possesses lasting grace in their life, they can consider themselves truly blessed. God’s unmerited favor serves as both a path and a relief. Even the heaviest burdens may seem lighter in the face of grace, where condemnation no longer exists.
The everyday worries, human conflicts, and dissatisfactions strive to distract us from the light of grace. However, this light shines ever brighter. We are continually invited to return to it, experiencing freedom from worries and troubles. Indeed, grace is sufficient.
The Power of Faith and Prayer
The prayer of faith draws strength from grace, akin to a large plug connected to a power source. Peace, calm, and strength flow from this connection. The storms are calmed and lose their power. What can they possibly storm against when we rest in grace?
Grace acts as a protective shield around us, extinguishing doubts and unrest. The fiery darts of evil lose their strength in the presence of grace.
Immersing in Grace
Immerse yourself in grace and let it refresh you. Draw courage from it; it supports you even in difficult times when you might not feel it. The shield of grace may not always be visible, but it is there, brought into your life through Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross.
God’s Grace and the Law
One of the most profound aspects of God’s grace is that it makes us untouchable by the law of God. This is because Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice, has fulfilled the law on our behalf. In the presence of grace, we are no longer judged by our ability to uphold the law but are seen through the lens of Christ’s perfect obedience. This divine grace liberates us from the bondage of trying to earn righteousness through our deeds, as our salvation is now a gift, not a reward. The law’s demands and penalties have been satisfied through Jesus’s atonement, making grace our shield and our guarantee of acceptance by God.
Gratitude Enhances Grace
Expressing gratitude enhances the power of grace and also brings happiness. Let us seek the Kingdom of God, not through new rules and regulations but through spreading the good news and its impacts. God’s law is fully satisfied in grace.